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The Bas Medrash, My New Beginning

It was September 2013, Tishrei 5774. A new beginning for me. I had recently remarried. My husband and I were in Israel getting acquainted with each other’s children and grandchildren. We were also laying the foundation for our dream of aliyah to Eretz Yisrael and to the city of Tzfat.  

I didn’t know anyone and wondered where I would find people I could relate to. As I walked on Rehov Yerushalayim, I saw a sign “Teshuva Bootcamp for Women.” It looked interesting, so I went. I was overwhelmed with the variety of speakers, the depth of their knowledge and the enthusiasm of the students. But more importantly, I had found my community. I left there knowing that there was a place in Tzfat where women of all backgrounds and levels of learning came together to learn Torah in a way to touch their souls and guide their lives. That is what I wanted.  And this amazing group met every Monday.  Since then, whenever I was in Tzfat (which became more and more frequent every year BH), Mondays were for the Bas Medrash.

Soon I found out that the Bas Medrash was even more than a place to learn. It is where I found out about everything that went on in Tzfat that I would want to participate in: Women’s singing evenings and Rosh Chodesh celebrations, opportunities for chesed, picnics, holiday celebrations and more.  It is where I found friends and how Tzfat became my home, even when I had to be away.

Kayla Zuber
Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat
[ads_dropcap]I[/ads_dropcap]t was September 2013, Tishrei 5774. A new beginning for me. I had recently remarried. My husband and I were in Israel getting acquainted with each other’s children and grandchildren. We were also laying the foundation for our dream of aliyah to Eretz Yisrael and to the city of Tzfat.   I didn’t know anyone and wondered where I would find people I could relate to. As I walked on Rehov Yerushalayim, I saw a sign “Teshuva Bootcamp for Women.” It looked interesting, so I went. I was overwhelmed with the variety of speakers, the depth of their knowledge and the enthusiasm of the students. But more importantly, I had found my community. I left there knowing that there was a place in Tzfat where women of all backgrounds and levels of learning came together to learn Torah in a way to touch their souls and guide their lives. That is what I wanted.  And this amazing group met every Monday.  Since then, whenever I was in Tzfat (which became more and more frequent every year BH), Mondays were for the Bas Medrash. Soon I found out that the Bas Medrash was even more than a place to learn. It is where I found out about everything that went on in Tzfat that I would want to participate in: Women’s singing evenings and Rosh Chodesh celebrations, opportunities for chesed, picnics, holiday celebrations and more.  It is where I found friends and how Tzfat became my home, even when I had to be away. [ads_hr hr_style="hr-dots"] Kayla Zuber

My Good Life in Tzfat

Discovering Bas Medrash was the beginning of my good life in Tzfat. Bas Medrash is the place for everybody irregardless of your Torah knowledge, or even no knowledge at all. You feel at home. It’s so welcoming, all women are extremely nice. You make friends, and there are tons of classes offered that you can choose from. And in The Good Days, B.V. (Before Virus)- and I hope that they will come back soon - a delicious healthy breakfast is served which actually turns into All-Day-Eating thanks to Judy’s generosity.....Continue Reading

Tatyana /Tanya/Yassenov.
Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat
[ads_dropcap]D[/ads_dropcap]iscovering Bas Medrash was the beginning of my good life in Tzfat. Bas Medrash is the place for everybody irregardless of your Torah knowledge, or even no knowledge at all. You feel at home. It’s so welcoming, all women are extremely nice. You make friends, and there are tons of classes offered that you can choose from. And in The Good Days, B.V. (Before Virus)- and I hope that they will come back soon - a delicious healthy breakfast is served which actually turns into All-Day-Eating thanks to Judy’s generosity.....Continue Reading [ads_hr hr_style="hr-dots"] Tatyana /Tanya/Yassenov.

Unique Community of Jewish Women

Learning at Bas Medrash gives me a special spiritual energy and joy which lasts the whole week. We became an ever growing community of Jewish women of different ages and different streams of Judaism (Litvaks, Breslov, Chabad and others) united by great desire to come close to Hashem, to learn how to do it, to know more about Halaha (Jewish Law) and Mitzvot (Commandments), and to learn how to love each other as we are despite our personal preferences. Continue reading

Leah Zolotarev
Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat
[ads_dropcap]L[/ads_dropcap]earning at Bas Medrash gives me a special spiritual energy and joy which lasts the whole week. We became an ever growing community of Jewish women of different ages and different streams of Judaism (Litvaks, Breslov, Chabad and others) united by great desire to come close to Hashem, to learn how to do it, to know more about Halaha (Jewish Law) and Mitzvot (Commandments), and to learn how to love each other as we are despite our personal preferences. Continue reading [ads_hr hr_style="hr-dots"] Leah Zolotarev
Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

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