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Bas Medrash is a unique, thriving Torah center for women in Tsfat. What began in 2013 as a group of friends gettingĀ  together to study Chumash, has evolved into an institution where women from all backgrounds congregate to study Torah texts to learn and grow.

The name, Bas Medrash, is a play on words. Beis Medrash, House of Torah Study, has been transformed into Bas Medrash, Daughter of Torah Study, because that's what it is - a place where women on all levels come with dedication and devotion to study together and find their place in Torah study.

Students work with original texts or in translation on a wide range of topics from all areas of Jewish knowledge and have the opportunity to develop their textual skills. In addition, we develop strong friendships and connections through the study programs, but also through various social events and trips and outings.

The wonderful side result is that a community of women has been born. It is a place of joyful connection for the women of Tzfat, and serves as a warm welcoming to newcomers. Its influence is far reaching, as each woman leaves its doors and returns to her home radiant, stronger and wiser.

The Bas Medrash meets every Monday. The doors open at 9:00 for coffee and breakfast, and a chance to catch up with friends. The learning begins promptly at 9:30 with a Dvar Torah given by one of the members and a dvar Halacha, followed by the study of Chumash, Navi and various other topics in Torah until 2:30. A guest lecturer, a scholar from the community, teaches a series of 4-8 shiurim at 12:30 on a far-ranging number of topics.The Bas Medrash meets at Beit Shaarei Bina (also the home of the Artist Quarter Minyan) 92 Yud Bet Street, corner of Keren Hayesod.

We are supported by the monthly dues of our members and the weekly donations of participants, usually 20NIS for the morning session and 20NIS for the afternoon class. Please consider becoming a member. No one will be turned away for lack of payment. See the available membership form for further information and to sign up.

At a present time - due to pandemic situation - the classes continue over ZOOM temporarily. We hope to be back in our physical location as soon as it is possible.

For directions or more details about the Bas Medrash, please use the Contact form

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