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Meaningful Halakhah: the Rambam's Approach to Mitzvot in the Mishneh Torah and Guide of the Perplexed

Six-part series. In this course, we will explore the way the Rambam's philosophy of Torah informs and enriches his approach to Halakhah throughout his great code of Torah Law, the Mishneh Torah, and in his great work of Jewish philosophy, the Guide of the Perplexed. The Rambam's thoughtful perspective can help deepen our own halakhic and spiritual practice. The class will extend from Monday, October 19 – November 23, at 12:30. taught by Rabbi Meir Sendor

Relying on Hashem

We'll be using the classic mussar and hashkofa text, the Gate of Bitachon (defined as full trust and reliance on Hashem) from Rabbeinu Bachye's Chovos Halivovos. The class will look at the questions, how does one acquire bitachon in Hashem. How can it help grant your heart's desires? In these times and at all times, this is important in developing our relationship with Hashem. The text we'll be using can in found in  'Source Material' under Media Archive.

Living Tehilim

Seven week series, taught by Rivka Segal, a passionate and creative teacher who has been studying and teaching tehillim in Yerushalayim and worldwide for the past 12 years. 

She writes-We know Tehillim as the book we reach for whenever we seek to ask Hashem for help--but Tehillim is far, far more than just words that we say.

Tehillim is the most powerful self-development book ever written, encompassing every human experience:  deep sadness and intense joy, battles with physical and spiritual adversaries and parades of triumph, paralyzing fear, and enveloping security, consuming self doubt and uplifting confidence, demeaning rejection and overflowing gratitude
Dovid Hamelech composed the songs of Tehillim as he worked on his personal, emotional and spiritual development.  He wrote these songs to help himself grow - and then gave them to us. This class is a unique opportunity. As growth-oriented people, we seek to take advantage of every moment and every event to ask:  what can I learn from this?  How can I grow from this?  The 150 songs in Tehillim are the perfect guidebook, containing insights on how to relate to every internal and external event we may experience.  In this class, each week we will explore a different song of Tehillim related to timely events , and parshiot and use King David's eyes and words to  discover how to relate to what is going on around us and use it as an opportunity for our own personal growth and development.
Tehillim is the key to changing our lives and changing the world.  These shiurim will put the key into your hands.

Taught by Rivka Segal

Parsha Pearls

Join Miriam in unlocking the beauty, depth and profound life lessons found in our holy Torah. We will be learning the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) by exploring commentaries relevant to our daily lives.

Class by Miriam Krauss

The Life of a Jew

This course, part of the Foundations Program, will focus on the daily life of a Jew- how she wakes up (and goes to sleep the night before) and all the activities she does to serve Hashem throughout the day. The course also has as its goal an introduction to the structure of Halachic literature leading to an understanding of how a law becomes a law.

Rabbi Simcha Mirvis. Ongoing

Chassidic Psychology for the Striving Jewess

Learning the innovative wisdom of the Tanya about the structure of the Jewish soul to discover how to better navigate our emotional life.

Shulamit Tillis Ongoing

Shalom V'Achdut

Taught by Reva Emuna Seidel. She asks the questions - Is it really possible to have peaceful, whole, relationships? Why is peace the greatest vessel for light and bracha and how do we learn the skills to be able to live in peace?

Reva Emuna Seidel. Winter 5781

The Path of the Just- Mesilas Yesharim

Please join us as we work together to blend and harmonize the profound teachings of the Ramchal, Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzato into our lives. 

facilitated by Shayna Elka Falk. Winter 5781