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Schedule of Courses- Summer Zman, 5781

Monday classes


Morning Meet & Greet at 9:15,  and Dvar Torah at 9:30

10:00 classes

Parshat Vayeitzei Interactive Study Group—Hosted by Elana Shachter-

Each week, on Monday mornings, while we continue to meet on Zoom, the day begins at 9:15, an opportunity for the members of the Bas Medrash to catch up and spend time with their friends, and meet the new members of the group. 

At 9:30, a dvar Torah is given by one of the Bas Medrash participants. She prepares an original idea about the topic of her choice. Many have said this is their favorite part of the day. This is followed by a dvar halachah, usually on the laws of Shabbat.

At 10:00, we break out into groups for the study of chumash (bible). Each participant chooses the group that will most closely match her level of textual ability as well as the style of learning that’s comfortable to her. The four choices include:

Shayna Falk facilitates a pasuk by pasuk exploration of the text using classical commentaries. The discussion is lively and far ranging, questions are encouraged and appreciated. The group is currently studying Parshat Noach.

Parsha Pearls -Join Miriam Krauss in unlocking the beauty, depth and profound life lessons found in our holy Torah. We will be learning the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) by exploring commentaries relevant to our daily lives. 

The advanced chabura, facilitated by Rivka Weinatein, focuses on the language and meaning of the text and a careful reading of the commentaries in the Mikrot Gedolot. A reasonable level of Hebrew is required.

Another chabura, hosted by Elana Shachter is currently studying parshat Vayeitzei, doing a line by line analysis of the text. Each member has the opportunity to read the text of the chumash and commentaries and translate to English, followed by a discussion of the material read. It’s a supportive learning environment for women of all levels who want to improve their text skills.  

At 11:00, four different classes are being offered-

Sefer Shoftim, led by Shayna Falk- Shoftim is a book of Prophesy that looks backwards rather than forwards as Shmuel HaNavi, its author, talks about events that occurred in the past. Join us and discover why.

The Sefirot – Taught by Reva Emuna Seidel. Each week until Shavuot, we will study the different Sefirot to understand their depth and beauty and impact on our lives.

Shulamit Tilles teaches "Chassidic Psychology for the Striving Jewess": Learning the innovative wisdom of the Tanya to better navigate our spiritual-emotional life.

The Life of a Jew- This course focuses on the daily life of a Jew- all the activities she does to serve Hashem throughout the day. The course also has as its goal an introduction to the structure of Halachic literature leading to an understanding of how a law becomes a law. The course is being taught by Rabbi Simcha Mirvis

At 12:00, we have a break. At 12:45, Tziviya Reiter leads a fun, invigorating exercise class to get us moving and ready for the next class.

At 1:15, guest lecturers deliver a series of shiurim, usually from 4-6 weeks, on an announced topic, often relevant to the time of year. These speakers are outstanding scholars and add immeasurably to the Bas Medrash experience  

At 5:00 pm, the Path of the Just- Mesilat Yesharim- Please join us as we work together to blend and harmonize the profound teachings of the Ramchal, Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzato into our lives. Shayna Elka Falk will facilitate 

Wednesday Night

At 7:30, Doba Shaver will be teaching Pirkei Avot, which is customarily learned from Pesach to Shavuot. It is a guide for anyone who is striving to be a righteous person. 

8:30 – Similar to the Monday afternoon class, guess speakers give a series of lectures on different topics, usually for 4-8 weeks.