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Unique Community of Jewish Women

History of my Aliyah to Tzfat is tightly woven into the history of Bas Medrash. It started in 2013 in Judy Paikin apartment on Rehov Yerushalaim where I met my new friends and became engaged in half-day study of Torah and Jewish Scriptures taught by the prominent Tzfat teachers and Rabbis. Since then every Monday, the Bas Medrash day, became my very special day. Regardless of the weather – in a heavy coat in the winter, or under large umbrella in rainy season, or climbing icy stairs during raging snow storm, I rushed to this special place on Rehov Yerushalaim – Bas Medrash. It gave me special spiritual energy and joy which lasted the whole week.

With time the locations changed, new people came on Aliyah and joined Bas Medrash, but the spirit which drove all of us to Bas Medrash remained. We became an ever growing community of Jewish women of different ages and different streams of Judaism (Litvaks, Breslov, Chabad and others), united by a great desire to come close to Hashem, to learn how to do it, to know more about Halacha (Jewish Law) and Mitzvot (Commandments), and to learn how to love each other as we are despite our personal preferences.

Leah Zolotarev