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Welcome to Bas Medrash

Today is 26/09/2024

כ״ג באלול ה׳תשפ״ד

Zmanim for Tzfat and Shabbos Info: Zmanim

Summer 5783

Each week, on Monday mornings, the day begins with breakfast at 9:00, an opportunity for the members of the Bas Medrash to catch up and spend time with their friends, and meet the new members of the group. 

At 9:30, a dvar Torah is given by one of the Bas Medrash participants. She prepares an original idea about the topic of her choice. Many have said this is their favorite part of the day. This is followed by a dvar halachah, usually on the laws of Shabbat, given by Judy Paikin Mamlok, the director of the Bas Medrash.

At 10:00, we break out into groups for the study of chumash (bible). Each participant chooses the group that will most closely match her level of textual ability as well as the style of learning that’s comfortable to her. The five choices:

Shayna Falk facilitates a pasuk by pasuk exploration of the text using classical commentaries. The discussion is lively and far ranging, questions are encouraged and appreciated. The group started at the beginning of Sefer Bereishit around 6 years ago. They are currently studying Parshat Noach. If you are wondering what's taken them so long, join them and see.

Ilana Trachtman is teaching her beautiful Chumash class on sefer Shemot, using the commentary of Rashi and the Or HaChaim.

Parsha Pearls -Join Miriam Krauss in unlocking the beauty, depth and love found in our holy Torah. We will be learning the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) by exploring commentaries that touch our heart, head and soul.

The advanced chabura, focuses on the language and meaning of the text and a careful reading of the commentaries in the Mikrot Gedolot. A reasonable level of Hebrew is required.

At 11:00, seven different classes are being offered-

Sefer Shoftim, led by Shayna Falk- Shoftim is a book of Prophesy that looks backwards rather than forwards as Shmuel HaNavi, its author, talks about events that occurred in the past. Join us and discover why.

Shulamit Tilles teaches "Chassidic Psychology for the Striving Jewess": Learning the innovative wisdom of the Chassidic masters to better navigate our spiritual-emotional life.

Reva Emuna Saidel will be teaching a class entitled " I Am What I Hate/You Are What You Hate: Radical Hod as the Geula Path

Ilana Trachtman continues her class on the weekly haftorah. You will learn some of the most famous parts of Nach and understand their connection to the torah readings they were meant to replace. This class provides a broad exposure to many areas of Navi and Kituvim. 

The Beauty of the Aleph Bet, taught by Chaya Lapkin- an exploration of the power & versatility of the letters of the Aleph Bet, based on Rabbi Ginzburgh's work and other sources. We'll be looking in depth at the spiritual energies of the letters, their shapes, names, number & more.

Doba Shaver – Perek Shira- The Chapter of Song-Could it be that the frog sings more praises to Hashem than Dovid Hamelechin in Tehillim?! Learn about how the frog and 84 other creations sing the praises of the Creator in Perek Shira

Nesivot Shalom- A chabura studying selected sections of the Slonimer Rebbe's great work. Assumes a reasonable level of Hebrew.

At 12:30, guest lecturers deliver a series of shiurim, usually from 4-6 weeks, on an announced topic, often relevant to the time of year. These speakers are outstanding scholars and add immeasurably to the Bas Medrash experience

At 5:00 pm, the Path of the Just- Mesilat Yesharim- Please join us as we work together to blend and harmonize the profound teachings of the Ramchal, Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzato into our lives. Shayna Elka Falk will facilitate. This class is on zoom only. 

The Bas Medrash meets at the ReStarTzfat Community Center

52 Arlozoroff/72 Rechov Yerushalayim, 2nd floor

(above Macabbi and Mishtalem)

The Bas Medrash relies on the dues and donations of participants to pay our faculty and to continue to exist. Members typically pay 100 or 180NIS per month. Alternatively, you can pay weekly – 25NIS for breakfast and the morning classes and another 20NIS for the afternoon class. Payment can be made in person or by horat keveh (standing order) or transfer to Amutat Shaarei Bina, Bank HaPoalim, branch 714, account number 573434 or by check. Everyone is welcome, regardless of what you're able to pay.

For further information, please contact Judy Paikin Mamlok at 0547805161.

Current classes' series:

Sefer Shoftim

Taught by Shayna Falk - Monday 11 AM

Perek Shira- The Chapter of Song-Could it be that the frog sings more praises to Hashem than Dovid Hamelechin in Tehillim?

Doba Shever - Monday 11 AM

Parsha Pearls

Monday morning Class by Miriam Krauss at 10 AM. Join Miriam in unlocking the beauty, depth and profound life lessons found in our holy Torah. We will be learning the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) by exploring commentaries relevant to our daily lives. Find the source sheet under Media Archive/Sources to prepare for the class.

 I Am What I Hate/You Are What You Hate: Radical Hod as the Geula Path

Taught by Reva Emuna Seidel Mondays at 11 AM

Present and Past Bas Medrash Classes

Living Tehilim

Rivka Segal

Winter 5781

Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

Rivka Segal

Winter 5781

Meaningful Halakhah: the Rambam’s Approach to Mitzvot in the Mishneh Torah and Guide of the Perplexed

Rabbi Meir Sendor

Winter 5781

Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

Rabbi Meir Sendor

Winter 5781

Book of Ovadia

Rabbi Dov Allen

Winter 5781

Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

Rabbi Dov Allen

Winter 5781

Mindful Awakenings of body and soul

Rabbanit Elisheva Mirvis

Winter 5781

Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

Rabbanit Elisheva Mirvis

Winter 5781


taught by Judy Paikin Mamlok, director of the Bas Medrash and Miriam Krauss.

Spring 5780

Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

taught by Judy Paikin Mamlok, director of the Bas Medrash and Miriam Krauss.

Spring 5780

Chassidic Psychology for the Striving Jewess

Shulamit Tillis


Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

Shulamit Tillis


Sefer Shoftim

led by Shayna Falk


Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

led by Shayna Falk


Shayna Falk

Self Love and Self Esteem as the Foundation for Avodat Hashem

Reva Emuna Seidel


Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

Reva Emuna Seidel


The Life of a Jew

Rabbi Simcha Mirvis


Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

Rabbi Simcha Mirvis


Understanding Karbanot

Rabbanit Shani Tarragin

Summer -Fall  5780

Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

Rabbanit Shani Tarragin

Summer -Fall  5780

Preparing Spiritually For High Holidays

Rabbi Avraham Aryeh Trugman

Summer- Fall 5780

Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

Rabbi Avraham Aryeh Trugman

Summer- Fall 5780

Our Wondrous Torah

Sarah Yehudit Shneider

Summer 5780

Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

Sarah Yehudit Shneider

Summer 5780

Soul Searching: Finding the Road Map for Life

facilitated by Shayna Elka Falk


Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

facilitated by Shayna Elka Falk


Writing with Emunah – Connecting Head and Heart

facilitated by Yael Malin ( M.A. in Creative Writing)

Spring 5780

Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

facilitated by Yael Malin ( M.A. in Creative Writing)

Spring 5780

Tasting the Light of Chanuka – Exploring its History and Inner Secrets through the Sfas Emes, Breslov and more

Sara Fenton,  Winter 5780

Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

Sara Fenton,  Winter 5780

Introduction to Authentic Jewish Meditation

Rabbi Meir Sendor

Winter 5780

Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

Rabbi Meir Sendor

Winter 5780

The Power of Jewish Storytelling

Rabbi Gedaliah Fleer.  Winter 5780

Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat

Rabbi Gedaliah Fleer.  Winter 5780

Bas Medrash - Women Learning Torah in Tzfat